2024 December 24 Merry Christmas Wishes

Dec 24, 2024

You can see the original Facebook LIVE post here.


 Hi, I’m Jim Cranston from 7EveryMinute and 7EveryMinute.com, the podcast and website about reimagining your life. Thanks for joining me today—on Christmas Eve—to reflect on the Christmas season. We’re keeping it high-level tonight, but I think it’ll resonate. And hey, if you like what you hear, don’t forget to leave a like, subscribe, share with your friends, or even send me a message.

Let’s dive in. Christmas is often described as a holiday of joy—whether you celebrate it as a religious occasion or simply as a secular tradition. Someone actually mentioned to me yesterday, when I asked about their Christmas plans, “Oh, it’s just a day off work.” And you know what? Even if that’s how you see it, I hope you can still find something positive in the day.

At its heart, Christmas is about joy—bringing joy to others and finding it yourself. It’s a time to focus on giving rather than getting, and not just in the sense of presents. Sure, there are plenty of gift guides and advertisements out there, but if you’re here listening to this podcast, I hope you’re also thinking about the deeper meaning of the holiday.

We often talk here about looking beyond ourselves, to better understand and connect with others. No holiday embodies that spirit quite like Christmas. It’s a time to care for others, share what you have, and show love in ways that go beyond material things.

So tonight, I have a simple message for you: I hope you can find some joy in this holiday season. And if you celebrate Christmas, try to remember that it’s not all about the gifts or the rituals. It’s really about the joy you bring to others. When you approach it from that perspective, the price tag on your gifts or how cool they are doesn’t matter. What matters is that your actions come from a genuine place in your heart. That’s it for tonight—a short message for a meaningful season. Thank you for joining me, and I hope your Christmas is filled with joy and love.

It’s simple, really, but also easy to overlook: Christmas is all about joy. It’s about sharing and connecting with others. Yes, the commercial side of the holiday has a big, prominent place in the world around us—especially in the shopping season—but it’s truly secondary. At its best, even the commercial aspects are just another way to bring joy to others.

So, here’s a little homework for tonight: take a moment to look for the joy and happiness around you. Notice the small moments of kindness and connection, and think about how you can bring joy to others in little ways, too.

Before I wrap up, I’d like to remind you of something important. Right now, as we enjoy this holiday, there are still many active wars and unrest in different parts of the world. On this Christmas Eve, I ask you to think about the people caught in those situations. Imagine what it must be like for them and their families.

It’s easy to dismiss it as not my problem, but I encourage you to pause and reflect. Try to put yourself in their shoes, even for a moment. Seeing things from their perspective might help us all remember how interconnected we are and why it’s important to care for one another.

There’s a lot of unrest in the world right now—in places like Ukraine, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. If you’re in a position to help, we’ve got a donations page with links on UKR7.com, which is being updated. It’s a great place to find resources for supporting the people of Ukraine. Then there’s World Central Kitchen at WCK.org. They step in to help wherever disasters strike, providing meals and relief in times of need.

That said, if donating internationally isn’t possible for you—whether because of finances, mindset, or any other reason—there are always local organizations that could use your help. Whether it’s through money, time, or simply spreading the word, your support can make a difference. And if giving in those ways isn’t feasible right now, that’s okay too. Even something as simple as offering a smile or a kind word can brighten someone’s day and bring a little more joy into the world.

That’s it for tonight. As always, thank you for stopping by. If you found something interesting or useful, please share it with others, subscribe, and hit that like button. If there’s something you’d like to hear about, drop me a comment—I’d love to know.

Have a great week, and remember to live the life you dream of, because that’s the path to true contentment. Sending love and encouragement to everyone this holiday season. Have a wonderful Christmas, and I’ll see you next week on 7EveryMinute and 7EveryMinute.com.

Thank you, and happy holidays!

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